This site is in memory of my father, Kenneth Eli Fox.

He lived from August 10, 1926 to June 7, 2005. I was born four days before his twenty third birthday, we had almost fifty six years together as father and son, as the years progressed and the difference in our age seemed less significant I felt we were like brothers as well. I love and miss him.

Kenneth Eli Fox Aboard the Victory New York Harbor September 2, 2004

Kenneth Eli Fox Rosh Hashonah 5765

Kenneth Eli Fox Katz's Deli July 24, 2003

Kenneth Eli Fox April 4, 2004

Kenneth Eli Fox September 7, 2003

Kenneth Eli Fox March 28, 2004 Chestnut Ridge

Kenneth Eli Fox Chestnut Ridge July 26, 2003

May we be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.